Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012

2012 Movie The end of Our World

Tonight, I want to review this movie. This movie has a title 2012 it means that it was the year that tell us about the doomsday which happened at this year but I think it’s really crazy to judge that the doomsday will happen at 2012 because we don’t know about our doomsday right? but this film was good for me because it could describe what’s it like the doomsday that will be happened at our earth and it make us to remember about our sins which we’ve done every day and prepare to make forgiveness to the our god. When you see this movies there’ll be appeared very
immposible scene such as the main character on this film always alive even the disaster has suffered them in many situation like they have suffered in a huge earthquake but they still alive and succed to leave their city by using aeroplane. And then, they can avoid the volcano eruption safely. It’s impossible, right? as I know about the doomsday is anyone can’t save their life and any living things in this world will die. But, in this movie was so different and some people can save their life by taking a big boat that goverment built and they didn’t die. In this movie you can find the miracle of love, it’s mean that you will strong to face any problem you have with love.  In this movie, you’ll find many scenes that show us How important of love when the big problem happened like the big disaster in 2012 . it has been showed by jackson curtis’s family before the disaster happened this family was terrible and He divorced his wife. Because there was big disaster, he and his wife and also their children return back to face this big disaster that suffered them. They were working together to search the safe place.Beside love, there was also social problem in this movie such as justice for the poor people, you know that many poor people in this world always get inequity. In 2012, in equity is showed by inequity for the treatment. The poor people can’t survive and they had been abandoned by the goverment. Actually, the goverment had known about this big problem. Many researcher had told president that 2012 is the year when the distruction of earth happen so before 2012 the goverment had a project to build a big ship that could protect the rich people who had a lot of money to enter this ship. Because the rich people had contributed for developing this ship with their money. Otherwise, The poor people couldn’t enter this ship and they had to stay in the earth and waiting for the destruction. 

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