Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012

Friend and Close Friend

What is the difference between friend and close friend? Actually, I don’t know what the difference is. But I have an opinion about friend and close friend. I think friend in common is only friend, no more. I just know about them and we never talk about private conversation. We just talking about something ini common. Just like that, I think.
But, for close friend in my eyes, they’re more than friend. Close friend is multifunctional. If we want them to be common friend, they’ll be common friend like the other but if we want them to be our close friend, they’ll be our close friend happily. Our close friend is someone who know well about us, not only outside but also inside. They know about our life, our feeling and everything about us. They always there when we need, everywhere, everytime and in every condition. Happy or sad, they’ll always there. And for myself, the presence of our close friend is very important ‘cause with them we can do anything that we want (as long as it doesn’t make them feel pique) and they can give us support when we slumped down, when we can’t tell our problem to the other person, they’re the most loyal person to listen our story although it isn’t important actually. I just wanna say that they’re the best :)

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