From his travels he learned how other people ruled their cities, and he talked with many cleaver professors and scientists. About 385 .bc he decide to return to athens and try to teach the athenians, he bought a small park outside the walls of athen, where he built a school which the athenians called academy. Here plato though all the sorts of subject like mathematic, astronomy, science, religion, and philosophy. It was the first univesity in the world and the founder of Oxford and Cambridge in Britain followed the model of plato’s academy.
Plato was especially interested in discovering what was the best way to run a country. In Athens at this time every body who was not a slave was free to speak in the public and to decide important matters by voting. This is what we call Democracy, rule by the people. Plato felt that it was a bad system because many people were too ignorant to be able to make sensible decision, such as when they made war with sparta or when put socrates to death. So he wrote a very important book which he called the Republic. Plato was failed to find a perfect goverenment, he broken herated at his failure and die in 347 .bc.