Effect : +7 to all stats
Price : 1600 gold
Merchant : Base Shop - chace of the Quel’thelan
Ghost Scepter , an item that can transform it's user become a ghost, okay.. maybe not a real ghost but "Ghost" in DotA is "Banish/Decrepified/Etheral" and that's mean it's user will look like a green shadow but not invisible.User will immune against physical attack and take more damage from magical damage.
this item also a requirement for Etheral Blade beside eaglehorn
Item Usage
Physical Dispell
Form is one of counter item for buff physical (buff phsical removal). All kind of buff physical can be countered when this item activated. there some example for positive buff and negative buff.Positif buff
Web – Broodmother
Shukuchi – Nerubian Weaver
Vendetta - Nerubian Assassin
(and any other invisible skill)
Negatif buff
Ensnare – Naga Siren
Earthbind – Meepo
Entangle – Spirit Bear, pit lord.
Corrosive skin – Viper
Poison Nova – Venomancer
Corruption – Stygian Desolator
(and any other buff placer item)