Dorayaki is the cake which from japan. Dorayaki is included on traditional japanese food (wagashi) which form is circle and rounded. There are 2 parts of cake that wrapped with red jelly beans. Dorayaki has soft texture and really close with japanese cake that called kastella because the dough contains honey.
In Indonesia, this food is started show in indonesia with doraemon anime. Doraemon characters has hobby eating dorayaki cake. Dorayaki which sell on bakery shop on indonesia the taste has modified with local flavor like dorayaki that contains chocolate and cheese. Dorayaki also called in indonesia with names Obayanki.
In japan, Obayanki is more recognized with names Imagawayanki. Even Obayanki have form really close with dorayaki. Obayanki cake thicker than Dorayaki. Obayanki usually burn in front of buyer but Dorayaki has grilled before and selling in case.