Minggu, 24 Juni 2012

The Difference of Keyboard & Piano

The Difference of Keyboard & Piano

            Some people still confuse about them, difference of keyboard and piano. They think that two them are same because of their voice characteristic. The most familiar voice characteristic which always people know about that is piano voice. No wonder if that voice of them is very confusing and same. But piano and keyboard are music instrumental that closely different. Very different. One of their differentiation that very basic is in electrical current usage. Keyboard need that, but not to piano. Because of that, keyboard is known as electronic music instrument. Keyboard has many voice, not just piano voice like piano. That are strings, guitar, trumpet, lead and many more. And also music arranger which can play with drum, guitar, and the other music band. That is keyboard which very complex and variative. 

Very different with piano that just has one kind voice. That voice is piano voice itself. Piano no need electric current to play, and no need amplifier to increase sound to be louder. Piano is created from chosen wood, so strong, seems exclusive and beatiful. Because of that, the price of piano usually more expensive that keyboard. 

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