Minggu, 06 Mei 2012

The Benefit and advantages being a Vegetarian

there is 8 benefit and advantages of becoming a vegetarian :
  1. More efficient because the price of unvegetarian food like meat and chicken are more expensive than vegetarian food
  2. Make us healthy not only inside body but also outside in physically and mentally.
  3.  Animal foods are generally still contain toxic chemicals such as pesticides, carcinogens, mercury, arsenic, etc., that can not be lost by cleaning with water and cooked.
  4.  Menopausal women who would not be tortured because of food soybeans, apples, cherries, dates, olives, etc. are rich in natural phytoestrogens.
  5. Can get a more plant-based calcium  that more cheaper than animal based calcium. 
  6. Healthier because foods derived from plants are easily digested by our digestive system
  7. Plant foods helps the healing process of chronic and dangerous diseases like cancer and heart disease. 
  8. A healthy vegetarian diet and normal weight can reduce excess body weight without feeling hungry with the same caloric value with animal foods.   

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