Sabtu, 21 April 2012

Optimistic Attitude Can Improve Health

In this post, I want to give a little motivation.  It was Optimistic Attitude. We must face the problem of life optimistically. Because we will get something that we want appropriate we think so we must have positive thinking and optimistic.

The pressures of life was felt the people make them become frustrating. However, Despite the difficulties and pressures of life, thinking optimistically, especially beneficial to health.

Optimistic is attitude which always have  good expectation for everything, and hope good result. Optimistic also has the meaning are positive thinking and or the way of thinking. Positive thinking is also a key to success for managing stress. Optimism will make a person faces an unpleasant situation with a positive and productive manner

Optimistic and Positive thinking have benefit for our health. The optinistic person is more healthy and have longer  life than pessimists person. The researchers also noticed that more optimistic people who can handle stress and less likely to experience depression. 

There are some benefit from Optimistic Attitude and Positive Thinking. Such as :
·         Have longer life
·         Have less depressed
·         Have a better immune system against diseases
·         Better physical and mental
·         Reduce the risk of heart disease
·          Able to overcome difficulties and cope with stress

Some way to be more optimistic and have Positive thingking, Such as :
·         Follow a healthy lifestyle
·         Enjoy your job
·         Looking for friends in a positive
·         Face and Accept all of your condition
·         Have a sense of humor

Indeed, Do optimistic and positive thinking is not easy. But trying to be optimistic and positive thinking will produce a healthier life and more satisfying.

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