Combining Elder Scroll with one of the best RPG game that ever existed "Fallout 3". once again Bethesda bring gamers to Elder Scroll world with more improvement that make this game "nearly perfect" and good grapich
Gameplay and Mechanic system.
For gameplay you can treat whatever NPC you meet as your spouse (cross gender with your gender) or as a company to fulfill your destiny of course based on your status and skill. Now you can enchanting only at place or we called "unique table" and has wide possibility to adding effect for item
Actually you can Smithing. So smithing here unlikely the previous series that only need hammer and function to repair weapon easier. Same as Smithing, Alchemy has it self but here surprise factor larger and if we can mix ingredient's and success this recipe automatically exist at our potion info.
Battle System improved greatly, not only swinging sword around just like obilivion but the creator added cinematic action and finishing move, then the dragon become our arch enemies , they are not limited and can appear everywhere. even if you found some city that attacked by them you can also fight back and save the city/ (there our position as dovahkiin being tested).
Graphic? Don't Ask me. this game known by gamers as the realistic game and for proof you can see at screenshot bellow.
screen shoot
Picture above you can see Horse. of course you can ride it but i never see picture of dragon. the creatir said "if there is a mountain, absolutely you can climb it if the path to the top exist or you can jump arround the stone". This game using Non - HUD System so Bar Health Mana and Stamina will appear if we do something. Example : Health bar appear if we receive damage and mana bar appear if we cast a spell.
Sumber : Kaskus + IDWS + Self Review