Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

Yes, We Can !!!

Many People always feel depresed when they can’t do anythings well, and many people feel confused when they have many problem and can’t solve it, then they killing themself with poison, knife,etc, just because this problem, and many people never say thanks to God , although they gained a lot of pleasure, like healthy living, Free from any disease, etc. we seldom to say thanks to God . It is can happen because we always feel less and never see other people, around us a lot of people who have a shortage in their life, but they have a spirit to do anything they can, and many people with Disabilities, but they can do anything, They can make many people proud with them, they can gain a lot of achievements, and many a normal human can’t do it. If you do not believe it. You can view this video.

In This Video you can see, many people with any Disabilities, but they can gain a lot of achievement,. After see it, we must believe, we are not live in vain in this world, and God choose us, and Sent Us to this world because God have a goals. And we must know, all of people in the world is the winner, because we are created from a sperm cell to fertilize an egg, and previously a sperm cell had been struggling with thousands of competitors. until one from thousands sperm can fertilize an egg, and we can birth, and can see this world. And now we do’nt have any reason to feel depresed or confused with any problem, you must can solve your Problem, because God will not give a trial beyond human ability to solve it
You Must Believe it.
Keep Spirit !!!
And Become a Winner in your Life

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