Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

about Denial-of-service attack

A Denial-of-service attack (DoS attack) is a one of the network threat which attack the computer server in a network by consuming the resource from server. Therefore the clients/user cannot get an access to the attacked server. The DoS is often to attack web servers just like banks, credit card payment gateways, gorverment, an other high profile and important web servers.
            There are many method of DoS attack, the attacker will try to prevent client/user access to the network system.
  1. Flood the network traffic with huge data, so the registered users (admin or moderator) can't get into the network system. This method called traffic flooding
  2. Flood the network with a lot of request to a network service that provided by server, so the request from users can't be served by server. This method called request flooding
  3. Interfere a communication between host and clients by several ways: 
  • Consumption of server resources, such as bandwith, disk space, slow down processor time. 
  • Distruption of configuration information / routing information by the attacker 
  • By execution of malware: crash the server's operating system itself, and force the computer into an unstable state or lock-up.


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