Senin, 20 Februari 2012

What is Sincere ?

In language, Sincere means clean, clear, or pure. Then in terminology, Sincere means merely seek blessings of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.
Sincerely is a fixed price that must be owned by a Muslim in doing anything, with the intention that what is going to do useful and hopefully will obtain the blessings from Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala.Sincere  is not only use when we will do a pray or activity, Sincere is valid forever as long as the person still alive. Because Sincere could have gone willingly and melt without residual when we bring what we have done, bragging about our practice in front of the people, and so forth. And this led to what we have done and we will keep the value useless. That's why a efort to keep sincerely more difficult than our intention before doing the deed.
Besides of that,  Sincere is also the one of requisite acceptance of our worship to Allah Subhanahu wata'ala. Even Sincere became the main requirement of receipt of worship, which is a sincere intention. But the currently phenomenon, a lot of people do not practice with the intention that in expectation of God's blessings, but they just want to get praise from the others who saw their deeds. And this is very close to syirik, because in doing good deeds / worship, they intend it not to Allah. Whereas syirik is one of the great sin. And may we will be the one who always Sincere in doing and keeping our deeds, and always out of turpitude moral in the form of syirik.

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