Senin, 20 Februari 2012

How to Solve Boredom

I write this article when I listen to the music in my laptop, I found a song that makes me get the inspiration to write something about BORED. I believe that everybody has already felt bored to something, maybe we feel bored with our same activities, or maybe with our same score or we feel bored with our same couple. All of it maybe happen ‘cause we’re human and human won’t feel satisfy with everything that they’ve gotten. But if we want to think clearly, we can find out the solution of boredom itself. For example, feeling bored to our same couple. It’s a problem that we usually find it in public.
Sometimes, they’re which have long relationship or they couple is so annoying, can make them feel bored with their couple, and make them have a negative thinking. Yeah, they think to do cheating. But, trust me that it isn’t a good way to solve your boredom. Think once again about it and calculate the disadvantages of cheating itself, for example :
  1. Your emission will be double. One for your real couple and one left for your cheating couple.
  2. If your real couple know about your cheating, your relationship that have been built for a long time maybe will be collapse whereas our cheating couple not necessarily better than your real couple. Remember ! neighbour’s grass is always look more green than your grass !
  3. You should start from the beginning again. You should curse again and finally you should produce much money
  4. Doing something negative always make you feel afraid everywhere, everytime so when you’re cheating, you’ll always feel worry and afraid, how if your real couple know abour your cheating? And your relationship won’t be nice ‘cause you always do secret date

Having a couple is difficult, what about if we have more than a couple? Have you ever thought like that? Do you know that most of boys or girls are don’t like to be cheated? So please avoid to do cheating before it will be our habit ‘till we’ve already married. Love isn’t for divided ‘cause many girls don’t want to be cheated. Not only girls but also boys. If we find someone who say that she or he is self-sacrifice to be cheated by her or his couple, I believe that inside of her or his heart isn’t sincere. I have some methods to avoid cheating, for example :
  • Strong Intentions

From the beginning, decided inside of your heart that you won’t cheating when you’re still have a relationship. Think that you only have a couple, no more or maybe think that "ONE ISN’T ENDS SO WHY MORE?"
  • Always Remember Your Couple

To make you forget about cheating, you can always remember your couple’s face. There are many things that you can do to do that, for example you tide your couple photo or photo of your couple and you in a enable place like in the wallpaper of your mobile phone, laptop or maybe you want to tide on your bedroom’s wall.
  • Forthcoming With Your Couple

It’s the most important point if you want to avoid cheating. You should accustom to be forthcoming each other with your couple. Don’t be shy to tell everything inside of your mind and your feeling. Out all of your complaint about your couple or maybe about your relationship while it’s good or bad ‘cause it just felt by yourself. If you just keep silent and don’t tell your couple about your feeling, how can they know that you have some complaint to them? So, tell everything to your couple if it need to tell. Therefore, you can correct yourself each other, more understanding each other to be better than before. I know that sometimes, honest is painful but usually happy ending J

So, for all of you who start feeling bored to your couple, please don’t cheat first. There are so many methods that you can do to avoid cheating. You can looking for some positive things to remove your boredom  from your mind. In this world, nothing is perfect include your relationship, your couple and yourself. there must be a period of up and down. Your couple also have advantages and disadvantages. and should the advantages and disadvantages of each of these, it will be a complement and enhance each other instead of having an affair if you've left to feel bored. Feel boredom is just a moment , it will run away as long as it’s not to be followed. And remember ! the third head usually isn’t better than our couple and the relationship that begin with bad intentions,usually not last long.

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