Senin, 20 Februari 2012

Graphene, New Step to Perfect Water Filtering

For now, graphene is known as one of the wonder of science world. Graphene is a thin layer of carbon atoms, with only a single of atom in thickness. It is one of the most promising materials discovered in a long time. Graphene take all the praise because of its capability to reinforce almost all of the inventions that human ever created. Despite of its fantastic thickness, graphene is the most conductive material in the world. And believe it or not, incredibly strong. It can be used for superconductor, anticorrosive, bulletproof materials, and even water filter.
Researchers from the University Manchester in England, have discovered one of the most important properties of graphene yet. It’s impermeable to everything but water. It is the perfect water filter.
In an experiment, the University of Manchester researchers filled a metal container with a variety of liquids and gases and then covered it with a film of graphene oxide. It was unable to allow any molecules leaving the container, except for water vapor. The graphene oxide filter even prevented helium gas from pass through.
In another experiment, Dr Nair & Co. sealed a bottle of vodka with the graphene filter. And again, this allowed just the water to evaporate, and leave a super-vodka. It is easy to see the potential of this new filter. With such horrible condition in consuming clear water in this time, water filtration is one of the most valuable topics we can discuse. And if graphene oxide really is completely impermeable to everything except water, this new filter would make clean water out of anything, as easy as pouring a tea on a cup.

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