Senin, 20 Februari 2012

10 Reason Why We Must Sleep Well

Ok, This is my first time to write an article especially in English. So, I apologize if I have some mistake in my articles.
Well, let’s talk about Sleep well.

Do you know if we often stay up all night (in Indonesia called Begadang) We can have any risk. Espesiallly for our health.
There is 10 reason why we must sleep well :

  1. Increasingly our weight, because we activated hunger hormone
               2.  Our selection for food became not healthy like junk food
               3. Higher risk for diabetic
               4. 45% higher risk for heart attacked
               5.  Increase blood preasure, because easily angry and not patient

               6.  Susceptible accident, especially car or motorcycle accident because we feel sleppy in the road 
               7.  Decrease our balanced

               8.  Depression (easily angry/easily sad/easily happy)

               9.  Trouble with our behavior

               10. Swollen eyes or the circle around eyes became dark

After read the 10 reason above,, so we must do sleep well..

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